Corrosion + Scale Deposit Inhibitors
All organic polymer formulations and nonorganic/ organic blends designed to prevent the buildup of solid deposition on heat transfer surfaces, and to prevent corrosion of system metallurgies. Many compounds found naturally in water are inversely soluble with temperature, dispersants work to stabilize the solubility threshold of these compounds in the water to increase achievable cycles of concentration. The result being cleaner heat transfer surfaces, lower energy costs, and water savings due to reduced blowdown frequencies. Corrosion comes in many forms in cooling towers and closed loops, and our blends are designed to protect against all forms of corrosion potential. Our formulas have been designed and proven for each and every geographical location in the United States. We work with our customers to tailor products specifically for their needs through the use of modeling software, in-house/onsite analysis, and over 40 years of application and formulation experience.
Microbiological Controls
We have a full product line of microbiocides and biological dispersants designed to prevent and remove biological foulants that can reduce system efficiency, increase corrosion, and put personnel and local environments at risk. We have the availability to sub-register and private label.
Silicon based defoamers are not compatible with most boiler systems. We produce several defoamers that work specifically in boiler systems to prevent carryover from high OH alkalinity, condensate contamination, or any other source of surface active modifiers.
Ion Exchange Resins
Pretreatment media for the replacement and/or the removal of dissolved solids in the makeup water, thereby reducing the need for chemical treatment in the system water.
Cleaners + Descalers
Systems that have been neglected will buildup corrosion products and scale. Wetting and penetrating agents are designed to reduce the surface active properties of the water so that it can interface more efficiently with solid depositions, thereby loosening them from system surfaces so they can be removed through filtration, or blowdown. Descaling and Chelating agents remove scale and corrosion products by interacting on a molecular level with the compounds to pull them back into the water phase. Our line of cleaners and descalers are each designed to remove specific forms of deposition, and many of our formulations are a synergistic blend of surfactants, chelants, and descalers designed to work at maximum efficiency.
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